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My Quaranteen

  • Turned my movie-watching addiction into a written format by writing film reviews for Baron Banner
  • Learned how to make spinach ravioli (courtesy of my mom)
  • Took up gardening with my dad; so far we planted a raspberry, custard apple and apricot tree
  • Made over twenty wire-wrapped crystal rings thanks to TikTok
  • Watched, re-watched and wrote an analysis on my favorite movie of all time, “La La Land
  • Discovered my hidden talent for photography! Here’s a photo essay I did on Solvang
  • Created a playlist of my dad’s favorite 80’s songs so that we could listen it together on the car
  • Found my mom’s box of her old clothes; VERY fashionable, to say the least
  • Learned the art of being patient, especially when I’m confined to my house 24/7

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