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The Harmony of Life

It is difficult to say whether we have any control in our life or if we are helplessly floating down the stream of time. Despite this difficult question, we are all working with what has been provided to us. Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. All of these experiences can be summarized as our perception of being alive. Since life is made up of events that are both good and bad, there is no way to determine whether life should be viewed as negative or positive. As we continue to live, it is important that we acknowledge life as one finite adventure that allows us to connect and be one with other living beings.

“In this hour, Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate, stopped suffering. On his face flourished the cheerfulness of a knowledge, which is no longer opposed by any will, which knows perfection, which is in agreement with the flow of events, with the current of life, full of sympathy for the pain of others, full of sympathy for the pleasure of others, devoted to the flow, belonging to the oneness.”

Chapter 11, Siddhartha

In the literary work Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, the main character Siddhartha struggles to find happiness in his life. He meets many misfortunes before finding enlightenment. By the end of the novel, he reaches the conclusion that all aspects of life and the universe are connected like the river he visits.

Siddhartha’s realization is eye-opening because it allows one to reflect on life in a different perspective. Usually, we separate everything in life and treat each aspect of life differently. Siddhartha teaches that there is no point in seeing everything as independent. Life, as well as all living beings, should not be divided into categories. There is a beauty in having all parts of life as well as time and death be one with each other. The shared harmonious experience of life is a direct bond we have with other humans. All of these interwoven connections we share amongst ourselves and with our world unite us as a single entity. As Siddhartha comes to terms with what he learns from the river and Vasudeva, he finally finds peace.

The way we can find serenity in life is to accept that all of our experiences are connected. We are instruments, and our ideas, thoughts, emotions, and actions create a unified cacophony of noise. Although we do not know what the big picture of our life looks like, every single occurrence or feeling is a significant piece of the puzzle. Essentially, the vast multitudes of aspects in life are interconnected, and there is a sense of tranquility found in accepting these bonds.

1 reply »

  1. I really enjoyed this reading especially when you talked about how life is neutral. I agree with you about how life shouldn’t be divided into categories. When you said everything that happens is a puzzle piece in our lives, it gave me a great visual. This was a great reading that was well thought out.


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